Note on COVID-19
We are taking the following precautions at Art as Therapy:
We are seeing clients in person at our three locations; Orangeville, Brampton and Milton
If you still prefer to continue to see us online this option will always be available during this time and beyond COVID-19. We offer art therapy sessions, talk therapy, initial consultations, parent support consultations, and parent-child therapy via phone and online platforms
We will be actively screening clients and if applicable their caregivers, over the phone before scheduling or confirming in person appointments for any symptoms and travel history that may be related to COVID-19
We encourage clients with fever, cough or difficulty breathing or who are generally sick, to make appropriate alternate arrangements for appointments, including remote (online or phone) appointments or rescheduling appointments for a later date
We encourage all our clients visiting us to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after appointments
We ask kindly that all clients and their caregivers wear face masks to the office, unless you are unable to do so for medically reasons. With adult clients we will ensure there is a 6ft distance with respect to seating, however given that keeping distance is harder for our younger clients, we ask they wear a face mask at all times. Our therapists will wear a face mask and or shield when working with our younger clients
For all sibling clients, we kindly ask that sessions are scheduled separately as our therapists will be in at the office on different days to follow rules of physical distancing
We will be ensuring all high-touch surfaces (such as doorknobs, light switches, phones, art supplies and toys) are cleaned with a disinfectant regularly, and between client appointments
Our staff are engaging in proper handwashing technique between sessions with clients and during sessions
We are spacing out our sessions to ensure there is only one family or client at the office at any given time, with ample time between sessions to clean surfaces and art supplies
The Milton Art Hive will be cancelled until further notice
If you have specific needs during this time with respect to COVID-19 please let us know and we will be happy to accommodate accordingly
For the ORANGEVILLE OFFICE: Upon parking in the back parking lot, please come in through the rear door that is connected to the parking lot and that brings you right into the reception entrance
If you need to use our waiting room you are most welcome but if you are able to drop off your child and pick them up and not wait, this would be highly appreciated. We also ask that you arrive just a few minutes before the beginning and end of the session to drop and pick up your child
For our Brampton location the waiting room is presently closed and we ask that you wait in your car or lobby area
We believe that collectively we can overcome any challenge we face. Wishing everyone a safe and healthy time ahead.
Below is a resource on how to talk about the pandemic situation with children.
Adapted from article: